2017 -
TRAIT d'UNION is a motion-based collaborative drawing tool.
it is an interactive system that creates a digital drawing out of the movement of several participants
It is designed as a creative tool to leverage on social interaction, free-form movement and coordination among the players
and to include different population (children, teenagers, disabled people, professional dancers ...)
Often one distinguishes dance and the plastic arts from the finality of the gesture: In the dance, the gesture has its own end, it is realized for itself, and it is the gesture that works, Whereas in the visual arts the gesture has as its finality the realization of the work, it is not presented and disappears behind the object once it is realized. The will of this device is to bring together the dance and the drawing, the gestures and their traces, in a relationship of interdependence and autonomy, That is to say, in which one is not subordinate to the other and in which dance and drawing increase mutually.
Two players or more can compose a scene by superimposing images and can draw together using their bodies and focusing on the relationship between their movements and joint actions
Their intention are mediated by a flock of digital agents
The flock shows group behaviours dependent on kinetic relational parameters of the two players
The characteristics of the drawing can be negotiated by the players with their movement interaction
An interface gives control of the individual parameters letting one person be the designer and the players be the performers
The drawing machine is a polyvalent artistic tool : it can be used in live for a performance, it also allows to realize still images and animated movie
The drawing machines finds application in several context to promote collaboration, joint attention and collective creativity
Coline JOUFFLINEAU, concept and design
Roberto PUGLIESE, design and realization
Asaf BACHRACH, research advisor
Financed by la Mission pour l’Interdisciplinarité, défi AUTON, CNRS.