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Flow - Flawed


Realized in collaboration with Jukka Hautamäki, 2016
Real-time visualization

Flow-Flawed comments on the topic of immigration and asylum seeking visualizing the ongoing flow of discussion about it. Streams of “water” are made of words extracted real-time from Twitter feeds using hashtags such as #dialogue, #crisis and #refugee. New concepts are merging and emerging from the texts (tweets), comfortably from far away.
The installation makes use of the visibility the topic gains on social media but at same time wonders how the availability of information and political debate shortens the distance between the inhabitants of the hosting countries and those migrants that are being hosted. Waterfall and flooding are employed as metaphors for both the flux of information and the transit of people. The piece hints towards realizing to which extent we can grasp a complex phenomena, regardless the amount of information and discussion.
There is a limit to how close to each other we can get in a time of augmented communication.

During the exhibition Flow-Flawed reflects the changes in the discourse about immigration and asylum seeking topics as new issues appear in the media.


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